About us

AFRIK CREANCES is a regional financial institution specializing in banking and non-banking intermediation.

We offer a wide range of financial services including credit brokerage, debt collection, brand representation, flow and payment management, digitalization, wealth management, consulting and capacity building.

A unique platform and hub for innovative financial solutions and services in Africa, AFRIK CREANCES is present in three countries (Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal, Togo) and plans to expand to ten countries over the next five years.

Blaise Ahouantchédé

Chairman's message

“Africa, our continent of inexhaustible wealth, presents itself as fertile ground where incredible opportunities emerge. We are convinced that it represents the true engine of global prosperity, and it is with this in mind that AFRIK CREANCES is resolutely committed to a project of regional scope.

We are aware that the real catalyst for economic and social growth lies in the development of the productive industrial and financial services sectors. This is why we have decided to invest fully in banking and non-banking intermediation, a strategic choice aimed at making a significant contribution to the economic development of the UEMOA, ECOWAS and beyond, the entire African continent.

Our vision is based on building a new model of access to banking and financial services, one that is connected, intelligent, agile and social.It’s a complete ecosystem that aims to promote financial inclusion and bancarization through an integrated, accessible and modern network.

We aspire to redefine customer relations by striking a balance between the human and the digital, an approach that puts the diversity of our customers’ needs at the heart of our concerns.

At AFRIK CREANCES, we are committed to offering much more than a financial service. Our project is built around a diversity of offerings, including intermediation in banking and non-banking transactions, credit brokerage, debt collection, as well as consulting, assistance and capacity building. We are the architects of a future where financial inclusion takes on a new dimension, combining human warmth with the power of digital technology.

Welcome to the AFRIK CREANCES era, where every interaction counts, every customer is unique, and every innovation brings us closer to a prosperous financial future for all.

Blaise AHOUANTCHEDE Chairman & CEO

Our vision

Afrik Créances aspires to become the leader in banking, non-banking, financial and payment intermediation in Africa.

Aware of the challenge of financial inclusion in UEMOA, ECOWAS and on the African continent, our regional financial institution is committed to playing a key role in promoting access to financial services for all in Africa.

Our subsidiaries

Ivory Coast
AFRIK CREANCES Ivory Coast : afrikcreances.ci@afrikcreances.com
AFRIK CREANCES Senegal : afrikcreances.sn@afrikcreances.com
AFRIK CREANCES Togo : afrikcreances.tg@afrikcreances.com

Our partners

Our trusted partners, essential for quality services.



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